It’s only this week that I learned of Michele De Angelis’ death. It took me a while to process the sad news. Michele really loved cinema. I got to meet and briefly chat to Michele at the screening of his short film „L’uomo nella macchina da presa“ a couple years back, and we also used to sporadically shoot messages on Facebook. I knew Michele had worked on one of my favourite latter day Fulci movies, „The Touch of Death“ (he gave an interview for the Blu-ray release), and I’ve seen his name pop up in the credits of innumerable featurettes for the likes of Blue Underground and Severin Films. If you wanted an interview with Deodato or Argento, Michele De Angelis was the number one Roman connection. What I wasn’t aware of is that Michele was also one half of the team behind the excellent No Shame DVD label. One of his more recent achievements was the supervision of the Dario Argento cut of George A. Romero’s „Dawn of the Dead“, which became the basis for French and Italian 4K releases. Michele was a humorous and no bullshit guy who lived for filmmaking and film preservation. If there’s an afterlife, surely Michele is now gearing up to roll another gory movie with maestro Fulci. Goodbye, Michele.