Coming Soon: THE NEW YORK RIPPER Blu-Ray from The Ecstasy of Films

Independent home video label The Ecstasy of Films is currently hard at work on the second title in their Lucio Fulci Collection. Following CONTRABAND (under its French title LA GUERRE DES GANGS), Fulci’s notoriously violent THE NEW YORK RIPPER (known in France as L’EVENTREUR DE NEW YORK) will be available as a Collector’s Edition Blu-ray in August 2018. What makes the release attractive to collectors is the inclusion of an 80-page booklet entitled L’Éventreur de New York – le giallo hard-gore et désespéré de Lucio Fulci (The New York Ripper – Lucio Fulci’s desperate hard-gore Giallo ).

This release, which is the film’s HD debut of in France, features the following extras:

– Ripping Rememberances : An interview with Antonella Fulci (22 mins).

–  42nd Street Memories: The Rise and Fall of America’s Most Notorious Street » by Calum Waddell (82 mins),

– The Ripper Files: A documentary with three original cast members:Howard Ross, Barbara Cupisti and Zora Kerowa. (24 mins)

– La Musique du sang (“The music of blood”): An interview with Daniele De Gemini, head of the legendary Italian label Beat Records. (18 mins)

– Deux ou trois choses que je sais de Lucio… (“Two or three things I know about Lucio…”) : An interview with prolific screenwriter Dardano Sacchetti (20 mins)

– Le peintre du diable (“The devilish painter”): An interview with poster artist Enzo Sciotti. (17 mins)

–  Exclusive booklet by Lionel Grenier ( : L’Éventreur de New York – le giallo hard-gore et désespéré de Lucio Fulci. The booklet gives an overview of the controversial film’s production and offers as in-depth analysis of this unforgettable giallo.
